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Newsletter – September 2023


A dream for something better, Wangari Ceclia

New school building: progress report

A great deal has happened at the School since the Spring newsletter, following the Kenyan Education Department’s requirements to make the school a Junior High and continuing to take Year 9 students. Work on the new building, which eventually will encompass an Administration office, staff room, IT facilities, Library, Workshop and Science Laboratory has been going on apace. Thanks to your continued support the structure, plastering, tiling and flooring (phase one) has now been completed.

Security door and flooring for the new Junior High building

Phase two – over the coming months, the tasks
are to complete a hard surface walkway
around the school site and to equip and
secure the new building. Needless to say, we
do not yet have detailed budgets for any of
this, but then again we have never had
specific budgets for any element of the
project since the first penny was donated in
2008! Wangari’s prayers and unswerving faith
have taken us such a distance.

Success story: Kennedy

We were delighted to receive a report from former pupil Kennedy Githaiga, whose story illustrates
perfectly the whole point of the project:

“I studied at Sacred Heart Catholic School where I attained 413 marks. This enabled me to join one of the best National schools in Kenya- Kagumo High School. I was able to score an A after my 4 years of study and I am currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering at one of the best technical Universities in the country. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to study at Sacred Heart School. The school helped me and many others unleash their full potential by supporting us both academically and spiritually.
Your support and evident love is not taken for granted; again I say ‘thank you‘ and will continue
praying that the Almighty may grant you more blessings so that you may continue touching the
lives of many others.”

At the other end of the Education perspective

Wangari Reports: “When I visited this family I found that they have 12 children, although 2 are not in the picture. Both parents have learning difficulties and they all live in this house and sleep on the floor; it is very sad. I took a girl who is 7 and the boy in yellow who is 9 and they have joined our school. Thank you so much dear friends for continuing to support me in this noble mission to make a difference to such destitute children. We couldn’t do it without you. God bless you all.”

These two stories exemplify why this project exists. To see children grow and reach their potential to be the best they can be is wonderful and is testament to Wangari’s faith and perseverance. Every year brings new challenges and completing the Junior High building is the next one. An ongoing and pressing issue is the rising cost of basic foodstuffs as a result of poor harvests and the war in Ukraine.

Any support you are able to give will help us continue this valuable work.

News of an exciting fundraising event for 2024 in the next newsletter…

Fundraiser: the entire 88km Northampton Round in a day - COMPLETED.