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Newsletter – January 2021

Supporting Sacred Heart School, Naivasha, KenyA dream for something better

A dream for something better, Wangari Cecilia

Happy 10th Anniversary

On January 10th, 2021, we celebrate 10 years since the school opened, only weeks after Wangari left Northampton to return to Kenya. A huge thank you to everyone who sponsor the children, to the many bag sales, quiz nights, concerts and so many fundraisers. Through everyone’s efforts, we have managed not only to keep going but to grow and develop.

Due to Wangari’s unceasing commitment and unwavering faith, the piece of empty land has become a school, orphanage, smallholding and farm. Your donations have built classrooms, outbuildings, accommodation for staff, dormitories, shower blocks and most recently the amazing new kitchen and dining hall. There have also been floods and droughts, and the day the original pit latrines were washed away was a particular low point.

But as a result of all these efforts, 70 children who were destitute are now in a High School while 30 are in university or college. There are heartfelt messages from the children and Wangari herself in this special newsletter. We cannot know what the next 10 years will bring (or 10 days for that matter) but keep safe and well and Happy New Year.

Dispatch from wangari:

Merry Christmas. Yesterday the children and l wrote our Christmas greetings, and are as always thankful for your love and support.

Life has been very tough and very expensive in Kenya, due to COVID-19. Many people are out begging, and the Church has tried to urge the government to fight the corruption which contributes to the high cost of life – with no success. The majority of people are living in a pathetic situation. Our children understand that life is becoming almost unbearable and we could hardly have made it this far without your support.

In government hospitals the doctors and nurses have been on strike, so only private hospitals are operating. These are though very expensive, and are overwhelmed by the large numbers of patients. It’s impossible for most of the poor people to afford food to eat, you can imagine the hospital bill.

In the school we wear masks, don’t allow people in or out, and I only leave for shopping. A month ago some of our children and teachers got a very bad flu, staying in bed for three days taking antibiotics. I was very worried, and buried myself in prayers and fasting, but thank God they got well.

As always, we continue to trust in Divine Providence. We have got this far by God’s amazing Grace, manifested in each one of you. God bless you.


Christmas Greetings

‘Dear Friends,

The child Jesus was born in an environment of darkness and hopelessness of life. He brings the light and hope to the hearts of humankind.
We the children of Sacred Heart school were in the same situation, we had lost hope in life.

But you have embraced us in our miseries and suffering. We have a face in the world because of you.
Thank you for your kind support, thank you for not abandoning us, we love you all so much. Thus today we can celebrate with Joy with the whole world a King is born.’

‘It has not been an easy journey. But you have provided us with meals everyday for the past ten years. You have sheltered and clothed us for the past ten years without growing weary.

We lack sufficient words to appreciate your goodness and kindness, thank you for making a difference in our lives. Thank you for all the sacrifices and effort you do each moment to sustain us. Thank you for sacrificing your time and creating time for us. Thank you for sharing yourselves with us. Thank you, God bless you.’

‘We might not have an opportunity to meet you on this earth, but we pray that Jesus will reveal your faces to us in heaven. We cherish your support, kindness and generosity. We put a lot of effort in our studies and we try to utilise all the resources you have provided.
May your pack never lack a coin nor your Jag lack oil.’

Wishing you a merry Christmas and a prosperous 2021,

With great love, the Sacred Heart family

Thank You
Every year, usually around Christmas time, Wangari buys the maize and beans which forms the basis of the food for the forthcoming year. She buys at this time when the price is the lowest. For the last few years we have been able to do this as a result of a grant from the David Young’s Charity and a big thank you to them from all the children for this continued vital support.

A sacred Tree… The Mugumo Tree

Before the coming of Christianity the Kikuyu tribe used to pray under a tree called the ‘mugumo tree’. When any disaster happened, the Kikuyu elders would gather under the mugumo tree for days, performing prayers and making sacrifices to ask God for forgiveness. This sacred tree is rarely seen now, but if one is ever found and needs to be cut, the Kikuyu elders still pray to ask God’s permission first.

A couple of months ago l dreamt that a Mugumo tree had grown at the back of my house. Then amazingly one of the teachers discovered a small Mugumo tree growing on the wall of our dormitories. I immediately called some elders to seek advice, and they couldn’t believe that someone had found one growing wild. According to tradition it is a sign of God’s presence.

People in the area have heard the news and are calling to come and see it. For many of us, it is the first time we have ever seen this sacred tree. It is a blessing.

Fundraiser: the entire 88km Northampton Round in a day - COMPLETED.