A dream for something better, Wangari Ceclia
News from Wangari
Dear Friends – a Blessed and happy New Year. Receive our special gratitude from the depths of our hearts. The Sacred Heart School celebrates each one of you – you are our Good News We started this journey together 15 years ago – not to make wealth or operate a business but to make a difference in the lives of orphaned and destitute children. I remember vividly how I tried to give my vision to you, dear friends. I knew that many people came from Africa in order to make wealth but I came with a vision to give hope to the hopeless.
Through your support we have given the children a second chance through education. Some children have slept in a bed for the first time in their lives when they came to us. A short story of one such boy is outlined below.
Thank you dear friends for not giving up!
Asante Sana (thank you)
News from the School
December was a difficult month at the school and for Wangari in particular. Further to the dreadful fire at another school in Kenya last year the authorities have suddenly taken more of a regulatory interest in all such schools requiring Wangari to formally register the Sacred Heart School as a Junior High then setting all manner of requirements for the curriculum and indeed the physical infrastructure of the school.
Wangari had to drive for over an hour to Nakuru to present the school’s registration file at 8 am. The main issue is that the school does not have a working laboratory or a science teacher able to teach the required curriculum. The new Administration block has been a major project over the last 18 months or so and now houses additional accommodation, and IT suite, offices and potentially a science laboratory. We have, however been unable to fund all of these developments.
In the short term Wangari has been visiting local schools to see how they have installed science laboratories: she is currently looking into working with another school to allow use of their science facilities for the smaller group of students in that year group. We will no doubt hear more on this subject. Through several specific and much needed donations from our regular donations, we have been able to:
- fund the annual maize purchase
- fund the purchase of firewood
- complete the paved paths between the various buildings – a major improvement in wet weather!

John Luke’s Story
“We picked John Luke up from the slums near Nairobi last year. His parents had both died and he was living with his grandmother along with his 4 siblings and the 8 children she had already. At bedtime they each had a sack in which to sleep. John Luke and his sister Jane Wanjiru were both malnourished, had worms and bald patches on their heads due to lack of care and proper food. After one month of treatment their hair was growing back and they were thriving.”

Breaking News
We are planning for Wangari to come to the UK this year, probably in May, and we hope she will be able to see as many of you as possible.
More details to follow in the next newsletter